Monday 21 November 2016

Introduction to my Saftey Science Portfolio.

Welcome one and all to my OCHS12018 Safety Science Portfolio.

My name is Michael and I am a second year student in the Bachelors Degree in Accident Forensics at Central Queensland University. Not only am I a full time student but I am also a father and an archived member of the State Emergency Services of which I was an active member for roughly 10 years. I performed tasks ranging from simply sandbagging and tarping roofs, to flood boat operations during the 2012 Queensland floods and full scale land searches in co-ordination with Queensland Police Services. I am a firm believer that logic dictates and have brought this belief into my studies and have found that logical rationalisation and forensic studies go hand in hand with each other. I can be extremely controversial and perceived as rude, how ever I endeavor to keep an open mind and take all opinions on board without offending people in the process.

That is enough about me and I hope that this brief intro gives anyone reading this a better understanding of how this blog will be presented.

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