Monday 28 November 2016

Importance of Evidence

Evidence is an invaluable tool within any domain that employs evidence based practice, whether it be the legal, medical, science of or investigative domains. Evidence is used to solidify claims and to prove validity. Oxford Dictionary defines evidence as “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.”(Oxford Dictionary, 2016) The true importance will of course vary between domains but the core statement above is still applicable in all cases. Where in the scientific domain, one may state that evidence is important in proving the validity of a hypothesis, then in the legal domain one may state that evidence is important in proving guilt or a lack there of. Both statements are different however they both essentially mean the same thing, that without evidence, the claims laid before them could not be proven or disproven.

Oxford Dictionaries English, 2016, ‘evidence - definition of evidence in English’, Oxford Dictionaries, viewed 29 November 2016,

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